Tag Archives: reality

The Bridge Between Two Worlds

The Way of the Spiritual Warrior is essentially the way of the Spiritual Path, but very few teachings are clear about how the Spiritual Path works. Many teachers may tell you about the Spiritual Path, that you have to meditate, chant or pray, but they do not really understand the mechanism of the Spiritual Path. […]

What is Reality?

Reality is a Conscious-Light, a Stupendous Light-Being, a Being of Immeasurable Splendour, a Light Transcendent yet Immanent. This is not an inanimate light like electricity; this Being is Consciousness Itself, Life Itself, All-Knowingness, All-Glory, All-Power. This is the true sense of the word God, of Nirvāṇa, of Ātmā (Ātman). This is the true Spiritual Sun, […]

The Question Who am I? Determines Your Life

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The Question Who am I? determines your life. When you ask yourself Who am I? you can get not only the answer to the meaning of your life but also an understanding of why human beings are the way they are and why the planet is the way it is. In other words, what you […]